Gothic Radishes, Turnips, and Potatoes:

I am getting more and more excited as I find all these awesome foods that can be grown, why has no one complied list of these before?  I have been around the Gothic community for over 10 years now, and other than a few black flowers, I never knew just how much we had available to us... I not sure anyone did or does.  This is just exciting!   Today I want to share with you some of the Gothic Radishes, Turnips, and Potatoes I have found:

  • Black Spanish Radishes
  • Purple Plum Radishes
  • French Breakfast Radishes
  • White Globe Turnips
  • Purple Turnips (solid purple, not the purple top turnips)
  • Kohlrabi - German Turnips
  • Purple Wonder Potatoes
  • Mountain Rose Potatoes
  • Okinawan Sweet Potatoes
~ Morria

Please Note: Many of these are rare and/or harder to get ones hands on, but still do-able.  Most are heirloom varietiesPatience and a good determination to hunt for the plants is needed.    Enjoy!  I know I am!  Most 


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