
Showing posts from April, 2013

Gothic Shady Garden?

I have been researching for the past two months "Gothic Plants" especially veggies, herbs, and fruits for the gardens and homesteads out there.  Much to my surprise 2 months in, I have thus far discover over 90 plants, and the numbers are still growing.  Sadly, due to work, my time to researching has been greatly cut, but I am continuing to work on info.  I wonder if anyone has done any books on this yet?  I will have to look into this more closely. One thing that has caught my eye is Shady Plant growing.  Where we are at now, we do have a large garden we share with family ( corn, beans, and potatoes ) and pots on the deck, but I am eyeing under the deck for more growing space.  According to my research, beans, broccoli, salad greens, beets, radishes, leafy greens, cauliflower, beans, are good for shade gardens.  In fact, I know beans are, as they grew well in the shade at our rented acre lot last year in New Mexico. This means one can grow have stunning Deriot Dar