Urban Goth or Rural Goth?

 Are you an Urban Goth?  Does the city nights make your blood pump and come alive?  Do you long for the hustle and bustle, the clubs, the urban adventures? Does the city a glow with her sparkling lights put you in a dreamy, poetic mood, and awaken your dreary soul? Do you like to be in either an apartment or close to down town? Then the city most likely should be your dwelling place!

Are you a Rural Goth?  Do vast open spaces, deep forests, and mountain peaks excite you?  Does the feel of dirt beneeth your feet make you happy?  Do you find joy in the aloneness of the great outdoors on a dreardy night?  Then rural living may be right down your lane!

Finding your fit, is really important, both for the longevity of your homestead, but also for your own sanity in everything.  Personally, I am more and more discovering I am by no means an urban goth.  My heart and soul are a rural goth, and it is getting to be time to go back to that way of life.  Now to just find the pathway beyond apartment homesteading!

~ Morria


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