What is a Gothic Homesteader?

Since starting Gothic Homesteading on Facebook back in 2013, more than once I have been asked just what is a Gothic Homesteader?  Just about as often, I get asked, What makes someone Goth?   And what is a homesteader?  All great questions.

I have over the years actually heard many explanations to what it means to be a Goth and to be a Homesteader.   The simplest way I can explain it is thusly:
  •  A Goth is one who who sees beauty in the midst of a dark and dying world.
  • A Homesteader is one who follows the homesteading way of life: a. raising what one can - fruits, veges, herbs, animals, etc., b. make what one can - clothing, food, all sorts of crafts, very diy (which Goths are great at typically), c. providing what they can for oneself and ones friends and family.
  • A Gothic Homesteader is one who see beauty in the midst of a dark and dying world, and thusly lives the homesteading lifestyle.
As both Gothic and Homesteading cultures are very DIY (do it yourself) oriented this progression is not surprising, especially when one notices the Gothic Revival Era of the 1800's, which included many Gothic Farmhouses and Gothic Barns.  This period has influenced the Gothic subculture in many ways since the 80's and before.  And most certainly has me.

~ Morria


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