Personal Homesteading Goals for 2015

Here are my Homesteading Goals for 2015:

1. Learn to Crochet Better (currently know 1 stitch)

2. Learn New Food Recipes.

3. Learn Ways to Preserve Food

4. Re-learn to Play Guitar (took classes over 10 years ago)

5. Begin Gothic/Steampunk Jewelry Making... Again.

6. Plant Balcony/Walkway Herb Garden

7. Get A Sewing Machine and Learn to Sew on it! (know how to on a Treadle, but horrid with electric)

8. Begin Writing on Gothic Homesteading - The Book.

9. Start Video Logs aka Vlogs for the Gothic Homesteading Facebook page.

Here are Rob's Homesteading Goals for 2015:

1. Finnish Chef's Training

2. Begin Learning Mountain Man Skills

3. Get in Shape.

4. Dry Shucky Beans to store for ourselves.

~ Morria


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