Late December in Phoenix Valley...

Ok, so maybe I have gotten too use to Phoenix Valley warmth, but blast it all it has gotten cold down here!  Besides that it is rainy, and though I adore the rain, not when it means we are freezing!  They say it wont get out of the 40s today... and I believe it.  I am glad spring is not long away and we bought the little electric fireplace heater not sure being sure if we would need it or not...sure enough, it has already paid for its self!  It's a poor substitute to our wood burner we had in Thoreau, NM, but sure better than the nothing we had before....  At least this cold snap has meant I got to pull out the Gothic velvets and such for a few weeks this year!

Note to self: Cinder block walls once they get cold stay cold for a LONG time!!!

~ Morria


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