So Excited!

Spring is almost here! Spring is almost here! Spring is almost here!  Yes, I am excited for spring.  I am glad to be shaking off the heavy wools, and pulling out the lighter grays and blacks.  It also means it is time to start getting the new bat houses placed, figuring out which potatoes to grow this year at my mother-in-laws's, figuring out what kinda pots and stands I need to have a deck garden, and keep on researching more black, purple, gray, and dark blue seeds.  

Thus far, in veggies and fruits alone, I have found over 60 plants which fall into this classification    Of those most are heirloom, and many are native to North America.  In fact, most of the dark corns are from Native American seed stock, and are drought hearty   Such an amazing journey!  Keep checking the Facebook page GothicHomesteading for more info...

~ Morria


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