Preparing for an Emergency...

My friends and I have just recently finished watching a post-apocalyptic show, and it got me thinking.  Having lived through 2 tornadoes and three icy storms which knocked out power, I know the importance of being prepared for an emergency. So I have been asking myself, what would any one, not just a homesteader, but any good goth need to be prepared, in case of bad weather, earthquakes or other disasters?

Preparedness Checklist:

  • Candles  (the 24-72 hour prayer candles work will and come in glass)
  • Oil lamps and oil
  • Matches, Lighter, and Fire Strikers
  • Glow Sticks
  • Flash Lights and Backup Batteries
  • Radio with Backup Batteries
  • Weather Radio with Backup Batteries
  • Sleeping bags
  • Pillows
  • Blankets (Wool and Cotton - for winter and summer)
  • Sturdy Clothing (Wool, Denim, Cotton: lighter color for summer - gray?)
  • Sturdy Work Boots (No heels)
  • Walk shoes or Moccasins
  • Food (enough for at least 72 hours, preferably 1 month - my goal 6 months to 1 year)
  • Coffee and Tea (especially herbal medical teas)
  • Hand Operated Can Opener (only kind my family uses)
  • Water (1-3 gallons per person per day - try to have 72 hrs to 1 weeks supply)
  • Cast Iron Skillets
  • Wooden/Bamboo Kitchen Tools
  • Camp Stove and Fuel
  • Wood Burning Stove (if codes allow...most apartments don't, but some have wood fire places
  • Ax and Saw
  • Fire wood
  • Black Plastic Trash Bags (can be used for multiple things, check Pinterest for more info)
  • Hand Sanitizer (can also be used as fire starter, if run out of that)
  • Large Family Sized First Aid Kit
  • Hygiene Kit (soap, sanitary wipes, combs, nail clippers, deodorant, lotion)
  • Bug Repellent
  • Sewing Kit (needles, thread, buttons, snaps)
  • Eye Glasses Repair Kit
I am sure there is more, but that is what I can come up with right now.  What would you all add?

~ Morria


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