Simple Life: Minimalism

Homesteading, the Simple Life, and Minimalism all can go hand in hand together really well.  Minimalism helps one plan for what you really need and be willing to share your abundance.  Simple Living helps one not stress to much in and find a lot of joy in minimalism.  Homesteading give one something to pour yourself into, once Simple Living and Minimalism takes deep roots.  It doesnt matter if it a rural homestead, or an apartment homestead on the 10 or 20th floor; it is the heart of the Homesteader that remains the same!

About 3 months ago, I added transitioning into Gothic minimalism into my journey as a Gothic Homesteader. With the move, it has not been an easy journey.  I know when I stick with it, I am alot happier, because there is less to fuss with.  But the hard part is this: how to know what to keep and what to give up, especially transitioning between to very different places of living. What is needed?  What is just beautiful?  And what is just junk cluttering my life?

Those are questions are that I am still trying to figure out...

~ Morria 


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