Gothic Veges at the Farmers Market...

It was a awesome week for finding Gothic Vegetables at the Farmers Markets.  My finds have been a Black Spanish Radish, Purple Dragon Carrots, Red Crispy Lettuce, Indigo Rose Tomatoes, Red Onion with Full Stock and Blooms, and Fresh Garlic.  There are going to be some yummy salads and dishes in this house in the week to come that is for sure!

In fact, the Indigo Rose Tomatoes, Red Onion Blooms, Purple Dragon Carrots, along with Black Walnuts which Robby's mom sent us from Kentucky, go wonderfully upon the Red Crispy Lettuce.  Drizzle it with some Raspberry Vinaigrette, and it is to die for!  Even my picky chef of a husband loves it, and that is an accomplishment.  But then who wouldn't love a dark, tantalizing  dish like this?

~ Morria


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