An "Addams Family" Style Halloween...

This year, my husband, Robby and I are celebrating Halloween Addams Family style, in that we are having a marathon of the 1960's Addams Family (on DVD) and the 1990s Addams Family Movies (also on DVD).  I made us Bat Cookies, we have Barq's Root Beer, which has Licorice in it.  I found Black Cat Peeps, my favorite as they too are Licorice flavored.  And I got us a large bag of Purple Caramel Pop Corn just for tonight.  This is such a treat, an evening all to our selves.  Rain pouring down outside... so dark and gloomy!

Twas Halloween Evening
"Twas Halloween Evening and through the abode, 
not a creature is stirring, not even a toad.  
Jack-o-lanterns are hung from the gallows with care, 
to guide sister witch as she guilds through the air,
dawn by 8 beautiful bat.  And she calls to them, 
'Come Flitter! Come, Flutter! Come, Flapper and Flyer!
Come, Chitter!  Come, Chatter!  Come, viscous Vampire!'"
~ Addams Family 1964
Season 1: Episode 7 *

Have a gloomy Hallow's Eve, and be careful of the deadly nightshades!

~ Morria

* I don't own, nor do I claim any rights to the above poetry... all I did was play the Addams Family DVD and transcribe it for readers delight!   I have given as much credit as I have been able to find to date. ~ MMN


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