You Might Be a Gothic Homesteader IF...

I have seen in my day alot of "You might be Goth if..." and "You might be a Homesteader if..." lists, but nothing like this.  So for the fun of it, I sat down and wrote out this list.  You most likely ARE a Gothic Homesteader if even a few of these are true...

1) You're a Goth who invested all your time and money into a piece of property most people wouldn't want.

2) You dont care about career or success, and are mostly interested in the size of your black carrots or the health of the bats in your bat houses.

3) You want your children (if have any) to learn to feed and milk the goats, and feel it is important skills to learn as they teach the value of hard work.

4) You know nearly every type of edible food that grows in black or purple, and you have tried/are going to try/are growing them.

5) You know all about the moon cycles and when is the best time to plant, harvest, and the likes.

6) You have very little money, but you know if you did you would be spending it on your Gothic Homestead.

7)You feel out of place in this time period - you feel as if you should have been born a century or two earlier.

8)  When you talk about your family, it means: your animals, your children (if have any), the birds on the land, and the bats you are trying to take care of.

9) You feel sometimes your animals do things behind your back just to annoy you; then, once you are gone, they laugh about it.

10) You grow so much food in a small area that you have trouble canning it all and giving the extras away to neighbors (and not just because your gothic).

11) You appreciated natural beauty (examples: moon lit night or gray cloudy day) 1,000x more than a fashion magazine or your 1894 Sear's Roebuck Catalog.

12) You purposely do things the less convenient way because you feel that doing things yourself makes you a better person.

13)  You feel so passionate about your dream that you struggle to express it, thus it bleeds into your poetry.  You would sell everything you have to make it a reality.

13 1/2) You cant wait to retire so you can work full time on the homestead.


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