Preparing for an Emergency...

My friends and I have just recently finished watching a post-apocalyptic show, and it got me thinking. Having lived through 2 tornadoes and three icy storms which knocked out power, I know the importance of being prepared for an emergency. So I have been asking myself, what would any one, not just a homesteader, but any good goth need to be prepared, in case of bad weather, earthquakes or other disasters? Preparedness Checklist: Candles ( the 24-72 hour prayer candles work will and come in glass ) Oil lamps and oil Matches, Lighter, and Fire Strikers Glow Sticks Flash Lights and Backup Batteries Radio with Backup Batteries Weather Radio with Backup Batteries Sleeping bags Pillows Blankets ( Wool and Cotton - for winter and summer ) Sturdy Clothing ( Wool, Denim, Cotton: lighter color for summer - gray? ) Sturdy Work Boots ( No heels ) Walk shoes or Moccasins Food ( enough for at least 72 hours, preferably 1 month - my goal 6 mont...