Where to begin?

I am not sure when exactly, but a few weeks or may be months ago, I began noticing my Gothic side coming back out.  Maybe it was always out, and I just tricked myself that it ,wasn't.  Sometime though, my wardrobe went from being perky and cheerful, to back to my normal grays, dark blues, deep browns and various blacks.  But, I guess I just really dont care anymore what others think so much.

Homesteading?  Why homesteading?  Arn't I a Gothic Chick?  Wouldnt that mean I would get my skin get dark?  Isnt that just something hippies are into? I have been asked all of that and more since 2005, when I first started looking into Gothic Homesteading.  To be honest, if one looks at being a Gothic Homesteader as one who sees beauty in the midst of a dark and dying world, and thusly lives the homesteading lifestyle, how could I not be a Gothic Homesteader?

~ Morria 


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