In Memory: Linda Houser, my Merami.

Today Urban Homesteaders just lost a great woman, Linda Houser. From her, my beginning of gardening would begin. From age 5 when she helped me grow my pumpkins. To age 14, when I discovered purple lettuce and insisted we grow it. To age 15, when I began my herb garden. She walked beside me, but never, ever took over my garden. "How would I learn if I didn't grow for myself? I wouldn't." she always would say. Merami was the first to teach me you dont have to be out in the country on 40 acres of land to grow food. In fact, even before we had a 3/4 of an acre lot, she still grew food at our tiny intercity-Wichita lot. Some of my first memories are playing in the dirt. Merami, you will be for ever missed and remembered! ~ Morria