Desert Gypsy Goths

What a delight, to know when the time comes to get a large garden going again, that I have so many varieties to chose from.  I know some of these will grow well out in the Desert Southwest where my husband and I plant to dwell.  A Goth in the desert you say? A straight up Desert Goth, is a Goth from any type, which has adapted to the desert.  Don't scoff.  I have dwelt out there before, and would consider myself a Desert Gypsy Goth, which is a kin to Hippy Goths, Dark Mori,  with just a few twinges of Wild, Wild West style Steampunk-Goth thrown in for good measure..

And why not?  Santa Fe, NM and Phoenix, AZ are both centers for art.  Phoenix itself has a Goth Scene to boot, as PhxGoth website proves.  Santa Fe has beautiful Gothic Chapels, and is the oldest capital in the USA dating back to 1607.  And with Day of the Dead (Dia del la Muertos), and all the items from that, is it any surprise there are Desert Goths and Desert Gypsy Goths?

~ Morria

Disclaimer: I mean no offence to the Romani culture, I have blood family who is Romani, and they/we take pride in being Gypsy.  ~MMN


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